
Go and Find Me!

We know her for long time and our perception about her keeps changing from time to time. She is a person who outrageously fun, to share and to cooperate with. We believe her ability in interior design will be helpful for us in upcoming months.

Q : We know you own an online fashion shop. How does it feel? and what is the biggest challenge?

A : The biggest challenge is to ensure the customers about my products’ quality just by photos and little info stated there. Having an online shop for me is like a shortcut to wealth, hahahaa. You don’t have to pay space rent and wages. It’s very fine for someone who have limited budget and time like me.

Q : If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

A : My whole body. I wanna be slim, not skinny (ooohh F*ck skinny!) I want it to be curvy and sexy as hell. Got it?

Q : What is the most courageous thing you ever did?

A : Kissing a stranger!

Q : What is your favorite quotation?

A : Simple. If you want something badly, then you’ll get it.

Model: Novinataliya

It always been a mystical pleasure when visiting Museum Prasasti, where located at Jalan Tanah Abang 1, Central Jakarta.

Meet this miss independent! Everybody said she has a great posture, and fashionable style also. She’s currently living in Melbourne, and desperately missing her little puppy, Kerry.

Q : Tell us the truth. Are you half Korean?

A : I wish!

Q : What are you planning from now on?

A : Finish my freaking uni, get a job, get a husband, get two adorable kids, live glamorously happily ever after with them AND lil’ Kerry. LOL! the first two are for real.

Q : What do you reward yourself?

A : Do you mean how? SHOES, BAGS, you really want me to spit it one by one?? yeahh those kinda stuff, and also feed my Korean addiction every once and then.

Q : Share your thought about this photo session. We know you’re not prepared enough ;p

A : Hell, no don’t be furious just yet. Well the weather was just ridiculously hot, I didn’t prepare much (from make-up to outfit), slept for only a few hours, hung over, and not to mention the odd feeling with these photo-shooting thingy. But anyway I’m glad I did it, it’s just one kind of experience I’ve gotta have with my lovely friends.

Model: Amanda Michelie

Got Converse?

It’s all happened accidentally.. we’ve trapped in the same office, same floor, same style, and same shoes…

Quote Of The Day

There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.

-Ernst Haas-

Rooftop shoot

Apparently rooftop could be a hot place to shoot. Yes! It’s on rooftop guys.  She is a graphic designer to a production house, but who knows she could be a sexy model too. Here are some of her shots and we teased her with several questions.

Q : Describe yourself in five words.

A : Exotic, creative, innocent, sexy, and funny.

Q : Tell us your ideal man.

A : He must be a man of my dream! smart and reliable, but humble. I prefer Javanese man, who treat me gently, but could be a leader for my life.

Q : Did you ever imagine yourself in sexy outfit and get shoot like those in adult magazines?

A : Of course! First time I read adult magazine, suddenly I had a mind to do that sexy photo shoot someday in my life. I ought to!

Q : What is your most sexiest fantasy?

A : Hmmmmmm, definitely get naked on a beach and skinny dipping 😉 wanna try?

Model : Amelia Widjaja

See how they looked..

Black Caterpillar

Green Moth

She's so Beautiful

Night Bug

Hey Quote

Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs.

-Ansel Adam-

The perfection appears in between the beauty of a girl and the house. nothing but appreciation, the photographer is just speechless. After short photo session, we asked her several spontaneous questions..

Q : You seem strong but fragile. Are you?

A : It is you to decide. I could be as strong as female crocodile, but in some parts, I’m just a little bird, trying to fly high.

Q : What is the thing that you really want to do, but haven’t have a chance to do it?

A : Traveling to Middle East.

Q : You’ve said you seen good on looking-back pose, why?

A : Don’t know, I just love my look-back pose 😉

Q : How would you like to be seen in the next photo session?

A : I’d like to be a rock n roll girl with messy chick style! can’t wait!

Model : Sari Puspita

100% made in Indonesia.

Skyline at the Meadow of Suryakencana

Balinese Sculpture

Kecak Debus

Here come the sunset

Dieng Plateu Grassland